Integrated ABM & DTA Models Discussion: The Atlanta Regional Commission Experience
Corresponding Author: Guy Rousseau, Atlanta Regional Commission
Presented By: Guy Rousseau , Atlanta Regional Commission
As a recipient of a SHRP2 C10 grant, the Atlanta Regional Commission gladly embarked into the ABM & DTA integration adventure. From DTA network development and preparation, signalized intersections identification (see, Synchro files, to ABM updates, ARC will share its perspective on what is needed and what needs to be done for the implementation of a regional, simulation-based DTA model application. The authorization of MAP-21 and the current FAST Act have placed additional emphasis on a variety of areas including M&O, ITS, and performance measures. In order to better address strategies and policies supporting pertinent regional initiatives, ARC paired its ABM with DTA, hoping to mitigate limitations associated with static assignment procedures found in most MPO models (4-step, trip-based & disaggregate ABMs), and better account for capacity constraints, peaking characteristics exhibited by the diurnal distribution of demand, and dynamically priced lanes, just to name a few challenges found in today’s regional travel demand modeling practices at the COG/MPO and State DOT levels.