The Florida Statewide Multimodal Mobility Performance Measures Source Book is intended to be an easy-to-use compendium of current and historical data on Florida's transportation systems: Strategic Intermodal System (SIS), State Highway System (SHS), and National Highway System (NHS). The objective of this presentation is to deliver a comprehensive introduction of the fundamental methodology and study experience for developing the 2014 Florida Mobility Performance Measures (MPMs) Source Book.
Florida’s Mobility Performance Measures (MPM) program defines mobility as the movement of people and goods, and emphasizes mobility from the user’s perspective. Florida’s mobility performance measures describe the following primary dimensions of mobility:
• The quantity of the travel performed (reflects the magnitude of the use of a facility or service);
• The quality of travel performed (describes user’s experiences with travel conditions and the effects of congestion);
• The accessibility provided by the transportation system (describes the ease with which people can connect to the multimodal system); and,
• The utilization of a facility or service (indicates whether or not a transportation system is properly sized from the agency’s perspective and the ability to accommodate growth).
The Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) Central Office develops the Mobility Performance Measures Data Source Book, which is a compilation of current and historical data and analysis describing the performance of Florida's transportation system. The Source Book covers more than 8000 miles of the NHS and 12,000 miles of the SHS. The Source Book is updated annually.
Estimation of mobility performance measures in the Source Book is based on a combination of measured (field data) and modeled results. Most of the data are obtained from existing sources such as the Department’s Roadway Characteristics Inventory (RCI) and Traffic Characteristics Inventory (TCI). These data sources provide information on the roadway geometry (such as the number of lanes, design speed, and access control) and demand for the roadway (traffic volume and vehicle classification). Extensive implementation of the latest Generalized Service Volume Tables, national research such as the Highway Capacity Manual, and Florida travel demand models were also a component of this 2014 Source Book.