MAP-21 presents a paradigm shift for the planning process on all levels.
The paper details how the South Jersey Transportation Planning Organization (SJTPO) has infused the performance-based planning concept into our regional planning process.
MAP-21 presents requirements for performance-based planning. It sets national goals in several areas that are to be addressed through the application of performance measures and their related performance targets. There are also required performance measures that are being developed by national organizations and the planning community. The states must work with MPOs to set targets that relate to these performance measures. And the MPOs are to incorporate these statewide performance measures and targets into their regional plans and processes. However, the MPO may also, and should be incorporating other performance measures pertaining to their regional goals.
How does this new national planning paradigm impact regional planning?
This new national planning approach also offers opportunities to improve the focus, transparency, and accountability of regional planning. Although every region is unique; many of the goals (and related topic areas), available data, and planning process are similar for all MPOs.
This paper will highlight how this MPO has developed its performance measures and targets for its region and how these are incorporated into its planning process.
This paper will give a brief overview of the SJTPO’s planning process, including:
• How the various parts or systems fold into the Regional Transportation Plan (RTP);
• How the RTP is relevant to Regional Goals; and
• How performance measures are used to fine-tune the plan and decision-making.
The paper will also give specific examples of:
• How the SJTPO staff developed its goal-centric performance measures;
• How staff found information relevant to the performance measures; and
• How performance measure targets were developed.