The Ohio Statewide Travel Demand Model (OSTDM) is a state- of- the-practice integrated land use/transport model with micro-simulated passenger and intra-city commercial vehicle movements. The enhanced capabilities of the model are allowing it to be used in a variety of ways to support Access Ohio 2040, which is the current long range transportation plan update.
The OSTDM is being used in four key applications for Access Ohio 2040. First, a preceding statewide freight study that will be documented elsewhere is being conducted, the results of which will be incorporated into the plan update. This freight study takes advantage of the multimodal flows of freight tonnage and value by commodity available in the OSTDM to produce its analyses.
Second, the OSTDM is being used as the primary tool for an extensive environmental justice analysis. This analysis takes advantage of the multi-modal log sum accessibility values created by the model to calculate zonal level accessibility indices for five categories: Jobs, Goods & Services, Health Care, Schools and Population. Total accessibility and change in accessibility with/without proposed future system enhancements is then compared and reported.
Third, the model is once again being used to aid in establishing and evaluating the plan’s hierarchy of statewide corridors. In this case, volumes are being segmented into distance categories to allow corridors of national, statewide, and regional significance to be identified without the distraction of the relatively high intra-urban volumes.
Finally, while Access Ohio 2040 is a corridor based plan (and therefore will not produce a traditional list of projects) OSTDM will be employed to produce extensive user-benefit and economic impact analysis to demonstrate the economic impact of ODOT’s current program of proposed transportation system upgrades.
We will report on the results of using the OSTDM for each of these four key applications, including what worked and what didn’t (and why), value-added brought to the plan by each application, and handy tips for practitioner to follow in applying statewide models for statewide plan updates.