TRB 2016 Blue Ribbon Committee
16th National Transportation Planning Applications Conference

TRENDD: An Open-Source Analysis and Visualization Platform for Transportation Data Analysis

Corresponding Author: Karthik Konduri, University of Connecticut

Presented By: Karthik Konduri, University of Connecticut


Authors are currently developing an open-source analysis and visualization platform for transportation data analysis. The platform receives data and user defined input regarding which variables within the data are to be investigated. The user also defines the types of visualization, for example: bar graphs, line graphs, and tables corresponding to each analysis variable. Finally, the user defines options for interactive widgets that will serve as the selections for that refining. Once all the inputs are defined using a YAML based configuration file, the platform generates a fully interactive browser based dashboard which houses the visualizations and the interactive widgets. The platform will also feature capabilities to generate analysis and visualization across different datasets using simple user defined specifications in the YAML based configuration file. The platform is developed to ease the workflow of generating analysis and visualization from raw transportation datasets. Thus, allowing analysts to focus on the interpretations and subsequent analysis. The platform is developed using the Python programming language and utilizes a suite of open-source scientific python libraries.

Authors wish to demonstrate the platform at the conference as part of a data workshop or a tutorial session. A rough outline of the presentation is as below:

1. Introduction to the platform: this portion of the presentation provides an overview of the platform (including what it is? what it does? how to get it? and how to use it?)

2. Demonstration of the platform: provide an example that demonstrates the platform

3. Discussion: this portion of the presentation will be open for comments/questions on aspects of the platform, and its development.


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