It is observed that the number of bicyclists and pedestrians has been growing in our region. To address the demand for appropriate bicycle and pedestrian facilities in our regional transportation plan, it is very important to understand the bike/pedestrians’ travel behavior and preference. For this purpose, the Wasatch Front Regional Council and its partner agencies incorporated bicycle and pedestrian questions into the 2012 Utah State Household Travel Survey. This survey provides a substantial amount of information regarding preferences and attitudes towards biking and walking in our region.

With this survey data, statistical and descriptive analyses have been performed with R to understand walk/bike travel behavior, related to local population/household characteristics, facilities, trip purpose and trip distance. Particularly, this study explores the impact of different land use types on bicycle and pedestrian trip generation. Our findings show that households living in the CBD are a greater influence to generate non-motorized trip shares than employment within the CBD. In addition, government services, education and office employment within one-mile encourages non-motorized trips. Understanding the correlation between these non-motorized travel behaviors and land use patterns will benefit our regional land use and transportation integration process, active transportation planning, air quality and public health. We anticipate continuing to utilize the 2012 Household Travel Survey data in ways that will positively impact our region now and in the future.